
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 11:42:13
It was Grosso's goal that swung a superb semi-final against Germany and his spot-kick that sealed victiory in the Final shoot-out after a 1-1 draw. Remarkably, it was the Azzurri's first victory on penalties, laying to rest the ghosts of three past failures on the world stage — notably in the 1994 final.

主要是最后那句, laying to rest the ghosts of three past failures on the world stage 是什么意思?

是Grosso'(格罗索)的点球颠覆了这个庄严的对战德国队的半决赛。他所罚的点球在局势为1-1平局之后的最后点罚中将他们球队带入了胜利的殿堂。引人注目的是,这是Azzurri在点罚中第一次胜利。颠覆了之前三次在世界舞台上失败的魔咒——特别是在1994年的决赛。[laying to rest是埋葬消除的意思,我在此是模糊翻译。]
