
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 01:06:16

With the expansion of the scale of higher education, higher education in China has been a shift from the elite to the popularization of education into the stages of education, the number of students makes the growth of the number of poor students has increased year by year, the poor hygiene problem is not only the question of relations between the individual students, is affecting the people, affects social stability in the universities and social issues, education is a matter of fairness and the issue of building a harmonious society. China has all colleges and universities in the country to establish a "prize, loans, diligence, and meeting, by the" poor students as one of the funding system, national, go-vern-ment, colleges and universities to take the corresponding funding measures to help poor students solve problems, achieved certain results. However, as the majority of poor students from rural areas, the rural poor college students hold a considerable proportion, how