
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 22:39:52


(1) 享有生命权、身体权.、健康权;

(2) 享有获得公正医疗保健服务的权利(得到其就诊医院等级相应的医疗技术水平的服务权利);

(3) 享有得到及时抢救的权利;

(4) 享有对自已疾病的知情同意权;

(5) 享有了解医疗费用的权利;

(6) 享有隐私权和对自已疾病的保密权;

(7) 享有受到尊重的权利;

(8) 享有得到受到损害的赔偿权利;

1.The right to receive information from physicians and to discuss the benefits, risks, and costs of appropriate treatment alternatives
2.The right to make decisions regarding the health care that is recommended by the physician
3.The right to courtesy, respect, dignity, responsiveness, and timely attention to health needs
4.The right to confidentiality
5.The right to continuity of health care
6.The basic right to have adequate health care