
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 09:58:11
关键词:乡村生态旅游 现状 策略


Abstract: Country ecotourism was an unfamiliar term for people a decade ago, but nowadays it has bloomed everywhere with utmost popularity. As a new type of tourism, country ecotourism has become the present focus of tourism and social fashion; as a main force of ecotourism economy, it has attracted attention from all social institutions. The development of ecotourism has received unprecedentedly heightened attention against the background of the construction of new countryside and harmonious society. Developing ecotourism serves to enrich the structure of tourism products, to adjust country industries, to raise the income of peasants and to improve their well-being. It is helpful for urban-rural integration and the introduction and spread of the idea of ecotourism. It also helps to keep working the function of ecological service of countryside and to unearth and pass down its culture. During its development, country ecotourism should bear the following principles: to be supported b