
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 04:51:55

维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802—1885),法国作家,19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家,人道主义的代表人物,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,在法国及世界有着广泛的影响力。
  Victor Hugo (Hugo Victor, 1802 - 1885), French writer, positive romantic literature in nineteenth Century, the representative of the representative writers, the representative of humanity, the history of French literature, the outstanding bourgeois democratic writers, known as the "French Shakespeare". Life wrote much poetry, novels, plays, essays and literary criticism and essays, in France and the world has a wide influence.
  Hugo's creation course over 60 years, his works include 26 volumes of poetry, 20 volumes of novels, 12 volumes of the script, 21 volumes of philosophy, the total volume of 79. On behalf of the novel "Notre Dame de Paris