
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 18:27:49
门球?飞艇?飞镖?马术?手球?击剑?龙舟?田径?台球?帆船?网球?冰球?冰壶 技巧?足球?围棋?体操?汽车?武术
拔河?钓鱼?定向?信鸽?举重?柔道?垒球 桥牌?健美?射击?射箭?拳击?排球?救生?棒球?游泳?登山?毽球?跳水
滑水 滑轮?摔跤?赛艇?潜水?篮球?壁球?藤球 F1 蹦床

皮划艇?动力伞?热气球?健美操?跆拳道?滑翔机?曲棍球?自行车?乒乓球?羽毛球 牵引线?滑翔伞?摩托车?摩托艇

飞机跳伞?艺术体操?车辆模型?中国象棋?冬季两项?花样滑冰?花样游泳?体育舞蹈 沙滩排球?现代五项?国际象棋
轻型飞机?速度滑冰?铁人三项?航天模型?高山滑雪 高尔夫球?越野滑雪?短道速滑?跳台滑雪?舞龙舞狮?悬挂滑翔


Croquet dirigible fly to dartlike weapon horsemanship handball fencing dragon boat athletics billiards yacht tennis ice hockey ice pot skill soccer weiqi gymnastics car Wushu tug-of-war fish directional carrier pigeon weight lifting judo is built Ball bridge callisthenics shooting archery boxing volleyball lifesaving baseball swim mountaineering shuttlecock playing diving water-ski pulley wrestling racing boat dive under water basketball squash cane ball F1 trampoline boat power umbrella Hot air balloon aerobics tae kwon do glider hockey bicycle table tennis badminton draw line rogallo motorcycle motorboat Rugby plane parachute vehicle model of rhythmic gymnastics Chinese chess Each in winter Figure skating Figure swimming Sports dance Beach volleyball Modern five items Chess Light aircraft Speed skating Iron-man triathlon Spaceflight model Alpine skiing Golf Cross-country skiing Short-track speeding skating Ski jumping Dragon and lion dance Hang and glide Soft tennis Military penta