
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 14:02:49
3. 2月25日,省新闻出版局党组在宁召开全省新闻出版系统党风廉政建设工作会议.
4. 南水北调工程建设工作会议在南京召开.
5. 3月2日,我省在南京隆重举行纪念周恩来同志诞辰110周年座谈会,深切缅怀周恩来同志的光辉业绩和卓越功勋.

Historical review
1.1973 -----Deng Xiaoping resumes post of Vice Premier of the State Council.
2.1988 -----The first test tube baby in China's Mainland was born in Beijing
The news is reported
3.On February 25, the Party's news publication bureau in the province holds the construction working conference of clean government of systematic Party conduct of journalism of the whole province in Nanjing.
4. The construction working conference of South-North Water Diversion Project is held in Nanjing.
5.On March 2, our province holds the forum of commemorating the 110th anniversary of comrade Chou En-lai in Nanjing ceremoniously, cherish the memory of comrade Chou En-lai's glory achievements and remarkable exploits profoundly.

Looking back on history
----- 1.1973, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping resumed duties.
2.1988 ----- mainland China, the first test-tube baby was born in Beijing.
News reporting
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