
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 09:11:43

It's not my will to like you. But when I decide to quit, it doesn't matter if I like or I'm willing.

Loving you is not from my heart, but once I decided to let go,it is no longer important to like or dislike,willing or unwilling.


It doesn't seem to me that I like you, what's more, when I have decided to give up, whether like you or not, whether I want it or not is no longer an issue.

Originally I didn't like you,but when I decided to give up,whether I like you or not is not important.

It is againest my will to like you. However, once I make up my mind to give up, whether I like or dislike you and whether I am willing or unwilling is no more important

Loving you is not what I want, but once I decide to give it up, then there is no difference between like or dislike, willing or unwilling.