
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 05:54:23
大家集思广益吧 :)

“坦白的说,我不在乎.” 克拉克盖伯<<乱世佳人>>

  “我给他的好处,他不得不要.” 马龙白兰度<<教父>>

  “I'll be back” 施瓦辛格<<终结者>>

  “FREEDOM!!!” 梅尔吉普森<<勇敢的心>>

  “FOR FRANCE” 《圣女贞德》

  It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.
  Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!
  Get busy living, Or get busy dying.
  忙活,或者等死。 蒂姆罗宾斯(肖申克的救赎)

  Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order 过分?!?! 我来告诉你什么是过分!! 你根本不懂什么叫过分
  is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too 垂斯克先生。 我本想给你示范, 但是我太老, 我太累了, 我还他妈的
  fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a
  是个瞎子。 如果要让我回到五年前, 我会带上我
  FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who t