哪位好心人帮我翻译下面的英文啊?有关word processing

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:05:54
An overview of word processing is as follows. Input may be in the form of print material, such as documents, or mail converted into machine readable text by means of OCR (optical character recognition) or facsimile equipment; it may be gathered by voice recognition equipment; or may be entered by key stroking on a hard copy terminal or CRT system, a process similar to typing. Word processors may also draw upon data (text) stored in computer memory for input. For example, a computer memory can store an encyclopedia of statistic, quotations, standard responses to common queries, and text previously processed. Information from trade journals may also be entered in their entirety after being indexed for retrieval. There are currently 100,000 magazines helps businesspersons keep abreast of the latest developments in their fields businesspersons keep abreast of the latest developments in their fields for future document generation.

概述文字处理具体内容如下。输入,可在表格的打印材料,如文件,电子邮件或转换成机器可读文本方式的OCR (光学字符识别)或传真设备,它可以收集的语音识别设备,或可能进入关键轻抚对硬拷贝终端或CRT的系统,而这一过程类似打字。文字处理机也可借鉴资料(文本)储存在电脑记忆体的投入。举例来说,电脑记忆体可以储存一个百科全书的统计,报价单管理,标准反应共同的疑问,以及文字以前处理中。资料由贸易杂志也可以进入它们的全貌后,索引,以方便检索。现在总共有100000杂志帮助企业家掌握香港的最新发展,在各自领域中的企业家跟上最新的事态发展在其专业技术领域,为未来的文件中的一代。