
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 17:40:22
悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时
以前,我不敢看镜子因为我是一个很胖的女生。 我的朋友都很瘦很可爱,为了减肥让自己变得很漂亮,变得和别人一样苗条, 我感受到很大的压力,变得内向也非常痛苦,可是如果我不这么做,那么别人就不会喜欢我,还会说我很丑。

我曾试过每天只吃一个苹果,饿到头晕,呼吸困难,不过到了最后体重却越来越胖, 因为这样很难坚持, 饿了在大吃大喝会更容易胖。
到今天,我发现其实只要简简单单做自己就很好了,我发现即使我不苗条不漂亮,也一样没关系, 因为自信才是最重要的。

总是不知道该用past tense 还是 present tense......

In the past, I was afraid to look into the mirror because I'm a fat girl. My friends around me, they are slim and pretty, so I feel the pressure of having a good body image. I become introverted and panic. I must to be thin like the other people, if Idon’t, no one else will like me, and everyone will say that I’m fat and ugly.
I tried to eat an apple per each day, I felt dizzy and it was hard to breathe during thie time. At the end, I weigh much more higher than before, because dieting incorrectly will make you sick. You eat

In the past, I was afraid to look in the mirror because I used to be a chubby girl. All of my friends were slim and pretty, which made me feel pressured. I became shy and timid. I felt that I also needed to look very slim or others will isolate me and make fun of me.

There used to be a period of time when I ate only an apple a day. Occasionally, I would get dizzy and shortness of breath from the hunger. In the end, not only did I not lose any weight, I became heavier because it was very hard to persist, and the body absorbs better when its hungry.

Eventually, I realized that it's better to just be myself, even if I'm not slim and pretty, it's alright because the most important thing is confidence.

What I want to say is, diets are unhealthy, we all look our best when we believe in ourselves.

Previously, I dare not look at the mirror because I was a Henpan girls. My friends are very cute thin, in order to lose weight to become their o