
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 12:22:26
我现在学习英语的方法也很简单,就是自学. 看英文原音电影,听voa,bbc.
还有就是积累单词的过程,但是这个过程并不是太吃力,因为,我现在记词的效率很高,这并是说大话. 我想是兴趣使之吧. 不像曾经只为考试而记单词,那种效率确实很低.
第一,我往往看英文原音电影,任务的口语对白很难听明白,我的意思是他们说的太快,我也咨询了一些人,说想说好英语就要模仿外国人. 但是,我始终模仿不了,他们说的太快,词与词之间有时候根本听不出来,我知道英文中连读. 但是,我尽量努力听,也听不出来.
还有方面就是英文中读的过程中应该有断句吧,请大家也谈谈吧,就像汉语一样,一句话总要有断有合,不能一口气或者不该断的断. 请大家帮帮忙呗.

Sorry i can only type in English as i'm in school

When i came to Canada i used to have the same problems as you do, and, i learned speaking from TV too, BUT, i opened the captions [display of the words characters speak at the same time they do it] for all the TV programs so i know what exactly they are talking about. Also, after i could understand small amounts of the english in the TV, i turned off the captions and FORCED myself to listen, because, if you can understand, then you could speak.
As an addition, i advice you to start watching english CARTOONS, even through this might be a bit to childish for you, the language used in those are speaking-based and it could improve your speaking.

If you have any questions send me a message and i can tell you more about this.
