
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:54:05

2.我的订单 注销登陆
4.商品名称 单价 数量 备注 总价 删除

5.继续购物 修改数量 清空购物车 去收银台

· 如果您想更新已在购物车内的产品,请先修改,然后点选修改数量
· 如果您想全部取消已订购在购物车中的产品,请点选清空购物车
· 如果您满意您所购买的产品,请点选去收银台(会员须先登陆,非会员须注册成为会员才能购买商品)

7.您的购物车里有商品: 件 总数量: 件 共计:元
8.姓名 手机 邮编 交货时间 订单附言 收货地点: 电话: EMAIL: 地址:
9.修改购物车 OK下一步
13.关闭窗口 订单提交完成 创建时间

14.欢迎您: 您现在是我们的 普通供应商 您可以添加产品| 管理产品 | 退出

1. Your identity: ordinary members
2. Landing my orders cancelled
3 I Cart
4. Priced commodities name deleted total number Remarks

5. Continue to revise the number of empty shopping cart to the checkout

6 If you want to continue shopping, please click to continue shopping
If you want to update the products in the cart, please changes, and then click on the number of revision
If you would like to abolish all have been ordered in the shopping cart products, please click Empty Cart
If you are satisfied with the products you purchase, please click to the checkout (Member before landing, non-member to be registered as a member to buy merchandise)

7. Your cart merchandise: the total number of items: a Total: yuan
8. Names phones Zip delivery time of orders were made by the place of receipt: Tel: EMAIL: Address:
9. Next revision Cart OK
10, to confirm the orders
11. Orders to success
12. Your order has