
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 14:55:33
酒店拥有各类客房212间(套),其中海景房卫生间观海独特设计,在您沐浴同时可观海听涛声,让您彻底放松,房间免费无限时宽带上网,并配备电脑,提供数字电视让您能更清晰收看更丰富电视节目;酒店配备中、西餐厅,可同时容纳200人用餐, 具有浓郁亚马逊热带雨林风格巴西烧烤让您品尝时意会她的香、她的诱人,食后余香未了……;设有可容纳400人到十几人会议室四间,多媒体投影仪、幻灯机等设备一应俱全,可满足中、小型会议的多种需求;三十八间KTV包厢林达夜总会,装饰格调优雅,来自美国进口ETC音响雷石系统设备,让您引吭高歌放飞心情,康体中心桑拿、各式足疗、水玲珑SPA养生馆、健身房等,让您得到健康、时尚服务。


Hotel XXX is a four-star business cum leisure resort hotel located at the national level tourist scenic spot. The hotel covers an area of 5000 square meters and a building area of 15000 square meters consisting of a main building, auxiliary building and the villa section. There is an esplanade in the villa section where you can have a panoramic view of the sky and sea.

酒店拥有各类客房212间(套),其中海景房卫生间观海独特设计,在您沐浴同时可观海听涛声,让您彻底放松,房间免费无限时宽带上网,并配备电脑,提供数字电视让您能更清晰收看更丰富电视节目;酒店配备中、西餐厅,可同时容纳200人用餐, 具有浓郁亚马逊热带雨林风格巴西烧烤让您品尝时意会她的香、她的诱人,食后余香未了……;
The hotel has a total of 212 rooms (set) in various standards; the toilet design of the Sea View room is most unique that you can view and listen to the waves while taking a bath, a truly complete relaxation. Every room is equipped with free and unlimited hours of broadband internet access coupled with a computer, digital television that provi