
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 01:15:09
If it is accepted that having a high quality population that is able to produce abundant quantities of low-priced food and other agricultural economies (as well as having a rural sector that does not believe it is disenfranchised), then the strategy that a government needs to take in fostering the rural economy should be clear. An economic environment needs to be set up that will allow rural people to mobilize the resources and make the investments from which they can begin the long process of shifting from the rural to urban economy. This means there has to be a responsive government. The needs of rural people in different parts of a nation at different times of the development process vary widely. In some places (such as suburbs and locations in rapidly developing parts of the economy), there needs to a sustained effort to build up villages and make them into places that villagers will live in while the city grows up around them. In other places, a supportive environment is needed as


如果它被接受有能生产低价的食物和其它农业经济的丰富的数量的高质量人口(以及有不相信它剥夺选举权) 的一个农村区段, 那么政府需要采取在促进农村经济应该是确切的战略。将允许农村人民动员资源和做投资他们能开始转移的长的过程从农村到城市经济的经济环境需要被设定。这意味着那里必须是一个敏感政府。农村人需要用一个国家的不同的部份在发展过程的不同的时刻广泛变化。在一些地方(譬如郊区和地点在经济的迅速地显现出的部份), 那里需要被承受的努力加强村庄和做他们成地方, 村民将居住当城市长大在他们附近。在其它地方, 一个支援环境必要当人们开始搬走向城市。有将是那些忘记了。福利事业需要是那里因此他们的生活可能去在均匀当他们的孩子和孙在别处安定。当农场小并且家庭是穷, 组织是需要的帮助农夫利用市场提供的新机会并且不被利用。简而言之, 政府是需要的, 将充当一个使能的角色和将开发合作以人民帮助他们适合入继续在他们附近的现代化过程。投资的大容量并且是需要的。特别是在发展最新阶段(譬如中国临近) 的时间, 投资必要因此农业和农村经济可能充当它的角色更好。投资在教育, 训练、健康和福利事业是需要的增加劳动力的生产力当他们到达在工厂。投资必要在农业改进生产力保持食物价格低, 允许农夫采取新技术和农场经营实践当市场改变, 并且提高那些收入仍然是在种田。投资必要在技术、土地、水和其它关键输入。农村财政组织需要是可利用和敏感对农村人民需要因此他们不会被压抑从采取可能帮助他们改进他们的生活的行动。