
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 06:05:59
商品房作为市场经济中的一种商品,本应由市场机制发挥价格形成作用, 但在我国经济高速成长的今天, 新旧体制交接问题, 历史遗留问题, 文化特征等多重因素作用下, 市场似乎没有形成一个令人满意的价格形成制, 我们不得不借助于宏观调控来引导房价朝健康的方向发展, 而宏观调控的尺度力度必须恰到好处, 才能和市场机制共同作用, 产生出合理的价格, 引导房地产业健康发展, 进而促进国家稳定, 社会和谐发展。

Housing market as a commodity in the economy, the market mechanism should play a role in price formation, but in China's rapid economic growth today, the new and old structures handover, issues left over by history, and cultural characteristics of multiple factors, the market does not seem to form a satisfactory price formation system, we have to help prices of macroeconomic regulation and control to guide development in a healthy direction, and intensity of macroeconomic regulation and control standards must be right, and the market mechanism can be common role and a reasonable price, guide the healthy development of the real estate industry, thereby promoting national stability, and the harmonious development of society.

Housing market as a commodity in the economy, the market mechanism should play a role in price formation, but in China's rapid economic growth today, the new and old structures handover, issues left over by history, and cultural characte