
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 20:55:14
However, the man did not tip him a quarter. Instead he shouted, “Get out of my way!” He pushed him aside so hard that the boy fell on the sidewalk and I knew he was badly hurt. I got out of my car quickly only to find that the man disappeared in the crowd.
So I looked for the kid. I decided to give him $20 for all his efforts. But he was far up ahead, walking out of the station silently. The traffic policeman waved at me to get my car going. From then on, I never saw him again. I’d like to find him one day and tell him that if only he had stuck around a little longer I would have given him a whole $20.
I learned an important lesson from the boy. When things seem so hopeless that you are ready to give up, that is the time when things are most likely to turn around for you.
