
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 09:06:31
蜡染,古称蜡撷,与绞缬(扎染)、夹缬(镂空印花)并称为我国古代三大印花技艺。源于春秋战国时代巫术礼仪,是先民为了祭祀缅怀先祖,预示繁衍后代而用树脂模仿蝴蝶涂于女人的背和腹,这就是从巫术到艺术的启蒙。流行于汉唐,兴盛于宋元。地处西南的贵州苗岭山区,因山清水秀、鸟语花香的封闭自然景观和众多民族沿袭“自耕自食、栽靛植棉、纺纱织布、浸染剪裁、画蜡扎绣”的生活习俗,给予了古老的民俗传统工艺生存的空间。 蜡染,享有“东方第一染”的美誉,以其构图简洁明快,布局粗犷豪放,具有浑厚素雅的质朴美而散发独特的异彩,成为中国民间传统手工艺术的一朵奇葩。蜡染是中国最古老的传统手工艺,已有两千多年的历史。至今这一珍贵的手工艺术在贵州等少数民族地区以口头传授的方式流传了下来。如今他们在传承传统工艺的基础上又进行了大胆的创新,使古老的艺术融入了现代的韵味。蜡染独有的艺术魅力,以及原始的图案,图腾和变幻无穷的冰纹,向您展示了一部遥远的夜郎传说,描绘再现了一段返朴归真的民族风情。

Batik, wax撷Originally known, and the imposition of Valerian (Knot Dyeing), Valeriana folder (Pierced printing), and called three printing techniques in ancient China. From the Spring and Autumn era of witchcraft rituals, the memory of the pioneers to offer sacrifices to ancestors, indicating produce offspring and butterflies coating resin imitation of the dorsal and ventral women, and this is the art of witchcraft from the Enlightenment. Prevalent in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the rise in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Located in the southwest Guizhou Miao Ling mountain, as beautiful birds closure of the natural landscape and the many nationalities followed "Since the cultivation of self, planted indigo cotton, spinning weaving, tailoring DISSEMINATED, wax扎embroidered painting" living habits, give an ancient folk tradition of living space. Batik, where the "oriental first with" the reputation of its simplicity sprightly composition, layout wild, uninhibited, with