
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 14:49:17
The following conclusions and implications from the situation analysis set a context for the tourism plan.

The conclusions and implications are the culmination of the situation analysis and the planning session. They represent the key insights that distil the learning and identify the key areas that the tourism plan must address.

The tourism plan being developed to launch the community DMO will also serve as a base line for future planning and strategies for the Resort Municipality Revenue Sharing Program. Although the focus of the tourism plan deals primarily with the start up of the DMO, (communication tools e.g. visitor guide, maps, website, press kit, image bank and destination and cooperative marketing opportunities) the Plan will outline the other aspects of the development of community tourism for the Kicking Horse Country including product and industry development, visitor services, research, tourism resource centre, inventory, communications, p



旅游规划正在制定开展社区的DMO也将作为一个底线,为今后的规划和战略,为全市诉诸收入分享计划。虽然重点的旅游发展计划,主要是处理与创业的DMO的, (通讯工具,如游客指南,地图,网站,新闻资料袋,图片库和目的地的合作营销机会) ,该计划将概述其他方面的发展社区旅游为踢马国家包括产品和产业的发展,游客服务,科研,旅游资源中心,存货,通讯,合伙企业,跟踪和评估,明年实施步骤和规划过程。


目前的促销手段是有限的,由于预算的审核,经济发展办公室,并组成合作广告与区域目的地营销组织和广告安置在关键的出版物。 2007年,盖将协调合作营销计划的费用为$ 10000 ,以发放改由DMO的。在历史上,这是预算的一部分,江户时代的功能。主要著作有经验的山公园, snoriders ,旅客的选择, kootnenay洛基山脉的年度休假指南,并在杂志加拿大洛基山脉。