
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 08:21:41
中文:知识型员工作为追求自主性、个体化、多样化和创新精神的员工群体,对企业成败起着至关重要的作用。研究对知识型员工的激励策略,对于吸引和留住人才,提高员工的工作效率,实现企业目标,改善企业管理和增强企业市场竞争能力都具有重要的意义。 本文把理论研究与实践紧密结合,从基本激励理论出发,研究对知识型员工的激励策略并用于实践。本文对知识型员工的特点进行分析,得出知识型员工主要有体现自身价值、追求工作的挑战性、个人成长、公正公平、尊重参与等方面的需求。根据对激励策略的分析,结合知识型员工的需求,企业在对待不同层次和年龄的知识型员工时,应有针对性地满足知识型员工的需要,从而激发其工作的积极性。
我的翻译:As a group of personnel who seek acting on their own ideas and individuality and creativity and diversify, the knowledge workers are important in enterprise performance. It is essential to research on motivation tactics of the knowledge workers for attract and retain qualified personnel, raising work efficiency, achieving business goals, improving management and enhancing the market competitiveness of enterprises. This paper studies the theory and practice of closely integrated. Starting from the basic motivation theory, starting from the basic motivation theory, the study of knowledge-based strategies for motivating employees and for practice. In this paper, analysis of the characteri


至关重要:用play an important role in 更能表达程度;

Line 3: for attract and retain ,for后面用动词原形?

starting from the basic motivation theory, 此句重复;

“本文对知识型员工的特点进行分析,得出”,该句可以用句型:By 或 Through...通过对...的分析得出...


As a group of employees who pursue acting spontaneously ,individually with diversification and creativity, the talented employees are vital for an enterprise’s performance.
It is essential to research on motivation tactics for the talented employees, which will be so significative for attracting and retaining qualified talents, improving working efficiency, achieving business goals, improving management and enhancing the market competitiveness of enterprises.
This paper combines the theory study with the practice closely.
Starting from the basic motivation theory, we study the knowledge-based strategies for motivating talent employees an