
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 15:34:11
第四届全国中小学生美术书法比赛中获美术类 二等奖
在中国少年儿童书画比赛中获美术类 铜奖
第三届“雏鹰杯”全国少儿书画大赛中获 铜奖
在辽宁省赴日本兵库县儿童赛中美术作品荣获 铜

Fourth National primary and middle school students in the art of calligraphy art competition category second prize
Children's painting competition in China in the category of art Bronze
Third, "LE Cup" National Children's Painting and Calligraphy Competition in the Bronze
In the province to children, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan won the bronze art competition