
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 13:30:16
India achieved independence in 1947 under the aegis of the Congress Party. Politically dominant for three decades, Congress later experienced serious electoral decline. From the mid-1970s, its hegemony was undermined by the rise of various identity-based parties. During the 1980s and 1990s, the number of political parties increased from a handful to around 450. Many of the new parties based their electoral appeal on various identity factors, notably religion, ethnicity and caste. During this time, communal tensions between, on the one hand, Sikhs and Hindus, and on the other, Hindus and Muslims, spread from the urban into the rural areas where they were hitherto largely unknown. They became pronounced in various southern parts the country, such as Tamil Nadu, as well as in the north, including Punjab and Jammu-Kashmir. The conflict between Sikhs and Hindus came to a head in the 1980s, rooted in the Sikh demand for their own state in Punjab(putatively to be called ‘Khalistan’), characte

印度获得独立,在1947年的主持下,大会党。在政治上的优势,为30年来,美国国会后来经历的选举中严重下降。从20世纪70年代中期,其霸权被破坏所引起的各种基于身份的当事人。在20世纪80年代和90年代,政党数目增加,来自少数至约450人。许多新的政党基于其选举的呼吁对各种身份的因素,特别是宗教,种族和种姓。在这段时间内,社区之间的紧张关系,一方面,锡克教徒和印度教徒,另一方面,印度教徒和穆斯林,蔓延,从城市到农村,他们迄今未知之数。他们成了突出在各个南部部分国家,如泰米尔纳德邦,以及在北部地区,包括旁遮普省和查谟-克什米尔问题。之间的冲突,锡克教徒和印度教徒来到一个头,在20世纪80年代,扎根在锡克教的需求,为他们自己的国家,在旁遮普邦(假定被称为'哈利斯坦' ) ,其特点是各种恐怖行为的延续;激进锡克教徒,包括暗杀的当时的总理英迪拉甘地,在1984年。广泛的破坏锡克国有财产和谋杀案件的锡克教徒遵循的几个印度北部城市犯下的印度教帮派。最终,然而,由于多种强大武装的策略,对部分国家和政治分裂的锡克教徒到各派系,锡克教要求哈利斯坦减弱。在90年代,但是,日益突出的紧张开发与印度的穆斯林少数民族, some11 %的人口,以及各种印度教原教旨主义运动。