
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 17:35:38
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Pope meets Bush, greets crowds

WASHINGTON — Greeted by a crowd of thousands roaring with cheers, playing music and waving flags and banners, Pope Benedict XVI left the White House on Wednesday after meeting with President Bush on the pontiff's birthday.
The pope waved to people from inside the "Popemobile," at times leaning toward the windows to get a better look at the crowds. Security officers jogged alongside the vehicle as it moved down Massachusetts Avenue toward the Vatican Embassy on a glorious sunny day in the nation's capital.

He walked inside the embassy amid cheers for a luncheon in his honor. Later, in an evening speech to the bishops — the face of the church and the life of everyday Catholics — the pope was expected to touch on the major themes of his visit, including combating secularism, promoting Catholic identity and confronting the lingering impact of the sexual abuse crisis