
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 07:06:14
纳兰性德,字容若,号楞伽山人,明珠长子,顺治十一年十二月十二日( 1655年1月19日)出生于满州正黄旗。原名成德,因避皇太子胤礽(小名保成)之讳,改名性德。因生于腊月,小时称冬郎。纳兰性德自幼天资聪颖,读书过目不忘,数岁时即习骑射,17岁入太学读书,为国子监祭酒徐文元赏识,推荐给其兄内阁学士,礼部侍郎徐乾学。纳兰性德18岁参加顺天府乡试,考中举人,19岁 准备参加会试,但因病没能参加殿试。纳兰性德22岁时,再次参加进士考试,以优异成绩考中二甲第七名。康熙皇帝授他三等侍卫的官职,以后升为二等,再升为一等。作为皇帝身边的御前侍卫,以英俊威武的武官身份参与风流斯文的诗文之事。随皇帝南巡北狩,游历四方,奉命参与重要的战略侦察,随皇上唱和诗词,译制著述,因称圣意,多次受到恩赏,是人们羡慕的文武兼备的年少英才,帝王器重的随身近臣,前途无量的达官显贵。
作为诗文艺术的奇才,纳兰性德在内心深处厌倦官场庸俗和侍従生活,无心功名 利禄。虽“身在高门广厦,常有山泽鱼鸟之思”。他诗文均很出色,尤以词作杰 出,著称于世。24岁时,他把自己的词作编选成集,名为《侧帽集》,后更名为 《饮水词》,再后有人将两部词集增遗补缺,共 342首,编辑一处,名为《纳兰 词》。传世的《纳兰词》在当时社会上就享有盛誉,为文人、学士等高度评价, 成为那个时代词坛的杰出代表。 在当时社会上就享有盛誉,为文人、学士等高度评价,成为那个时代词坛的杰出代表。

Nalanxingde, if the word capacity, of Lengjia Hermit, Pearl eldest son, 11-year reign of Shunzhi December 12 (January 19, 1655) was born in stained glass is Huangqihai Lake. Originally called into Germany, avoiding the crown prince for the Tenth Five-yin (name Baocheng)讳name of Germany. Born in腊月result, winter hours Lang said. Nalanxingde bright talent at an early age, did not forget to read the study, a few years old when the study Jiye, 17-year-old into the Imperial College study, the Imperial Academy Jijiu Xu yuan appreciation to recommend to the Cabinet bachelor brother, Libushilang Xu Qian Xue. Nalanxingde Shuntianfu Provincial Examination participate in the 18-year-old, examinations Juren, 19-year-old will be prepared to participate in the trial, but did not participate in the Imperial Court Examination illness. Nalanxingde 22-year-old, once again participate in the Scholars examination with outstanding achievements examinations dimethyl seventh. Emperor Kangxi granted him the