篮球的起源发展 请大侠帮翻译成英文 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 21:06:47

Section 1: The Origin and basketball development
Basketball is the 1891 from Springfield, Massachusetts, United States (translation old Chun Tin), YMCA Training School physical education teachers J. Naismith created in the beginning, he would nail two baskets in the other room keys body stands railings , a football game tools used to throwing baskets. Netball in a basket at all, according to the number of points decide the outcome. After each pitch into the basket, it is necessary to remove Patizi re-start the ball game. After gradually baskets to live at the end of the iron basket, was later changed to iron ring below the net.
To 1893, a similar modern rebounds, and the Nets basket. First basketball game, the game, arena size, no strict time limit competition. However, the number of both sides participate in the competition must be equal. Competition began, the two sides were at the two ends of players, referees and the ball Mingxiao middle Zhixiang Stadium, the two sid