
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 00:11:18

1. 根据具体项目,凡学生(学员)申请参加赴加拿大留学、考察访问、涉外劳务培训(输出)、冬夏令营活动等项目并符合项目内容规定 留学条件和入境条件 ,乙方应负责学生(学员)赴加拿大留学、考察访问、涉外劳务培训(输出)、冬夏令营活动等项目 申请手续和签证办理。
2. 负责做 中方合作大学与CIEC大学联盟 协调、联系、合作办学工作,做 申请赴加拿大留学、考察访问、涉外劳务培训(输出)、冬夏令营活动等加拿大方面相关部门 协调和疏通工作,保证所有中加合作办学项目 顺利开展并获成功。
3. 在合作期内,在深圳市范围内乙方不得授权任何一机构或个人以加拿大国际教育中心(CIEC)办事处 名义注册或以该名义开展甲方确认 在深圳开展 教育项目,同时,应该尊重甲方在深圳市最高、唯一、全面 代表地位,维护甲方在协议约定范围 唯一性和合法权益。(本协议之前签署 协议除外)

1.party B, Regarding specific project, should be responsible for handling application formalities and visa for any student or trainee who applies for studying in Canada, scholarstic visiting, training for foreign labour (output), winter and summer camp activities etc according to all the rules for the content of the project and the conditions of studying abroad and entry.
2. Party A is responsible for the work on the coalision, coordination,contacting and co-operating in school running between Colleges in China and the Colges League of CIEC. Party A is also dealing with the coordination and dredge work in Canada with regar to application formalities and visa for any student or trainee who applies for studying in Canada, scholarstic visiting, training for foreign labour (output), winter and summer camp activities etc so as to secure smooth and successful carrying out of the projects of school running between China and Canada.
3. In the Cooperation period,in Shenzhen P