
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 11:46:02
纳粹与土耳其联手制造秘密武器,企图破坏国际间武力平衡,鲸吞全球,美国政府特派印第安琼斯寻找传说中的「圣杯」,以抵抗邪恶势力。 故事背景设于1938年印第安那琼斯与父亲依据笔记上的记载,寻找传说耶稣于最后晚餐所用的圣杯。由于传说中的圣杯有治愈任何伤口的神奇功效,引起了德国纳綷的觊觎,特别派出了美艳女间谍艾莎薛尼德博士,利用美色与苦肉计迫使琼斯交出笔记。琼斯父子发现艾莎的企图后,费尽心思将笔记夺回,前往圣殿取圣杯,不料纳綷尾随在后,并枪伤琼斯的父亲,一番苦战之后才逃离纳綷的纠缠。原以为无事的琼斯急忙以圣杯舀水治愈父亲,却没想到艾莎出现面前要抢夺圣杯…… 琼斯博士和他的父亲联手出击,一起追寻传说中极具神力的基督圣杯的下落,这是耶稣最后晚餐时使用过的圣杯。在意大利一所古教堂里,他们找到了线索。但发现纳粹党也在找圣杯。纳粹再次加入抢夺宝藏的行列,企图阻挠琼斯父子的计划。为找回圣杯以及被纳粹掳走的父亲,琼斯不惜一切,任凭处处险象环生,千方百计与纳粹党对抗到底。最终双方均空手而归。

Turkey joined hands with the Nazi secret weapon manufacturers in an attempt to sabotage the international force balance, swallowing the world, the United States Government mission to find Indiana Jones legends of the "Holy Grail" to resist evil forces. Background story in 1938 Indiana Jones and his father on the basis of notes records, the search for Jesus in the Last Supper legend by the Holy Grail. The legend of the Holy Grail of any wound healing magic effects caused satisfied綷the coveted Germany, in particular sent a beautiful woman spy Edsa Xue Nideboshi use and sex with Guruji forced to surrender notes Jones. Jones and his son found Edsa after the attempt, effort notebook back to the temple from the Holy Grail, unexpectedly satisfied綷followed in the post, and Jones shot the father of an arduous struggle before fleeing satisfied綷entanglement. No matter that the original Jones rushed to the Holy Grail scoop water cured his father, but can not think of Edsa to snatch th