
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 16:21:02

Archimedes(阿基米德)and the Crown
One day King Syrause called in Archimedes. “Look at this crown, please,” he said. “Is it made of different metals? I want to know, because I paid a lot of money for it.”
Archimedes looked at the crown. It appeared to be made of gold, but perhaps there was a different metal inside the gold. How could he find out? “Go home and think,” said the King. “Make some experiments. People say that your experiments are very clever.”
He went home, and he went to the public baths. He stood beside his bath and looked at it. It was not quite full. Then he got into it, and the water came up to the top.
While he was sitting in it, he suddenly had an idea. “I’ve found it!” he cried.
He ran out into the street and went quickly home. The people in the street were surprised, because he was not wearing any clothes. His mind was full of this wonderful idea, so he forgot to dress.
He made a few short experiments in his hou

一天国王syrause所谓在阿基米德。 “看看这个皇冠,请, ”他说。 “是它作出不同的金属?我想知道,因为我付出了很多钱,因为它“ 。
阿基米德研究官地。看来,作出的黄金,但也许有不同的金属内的黄金。他怎么会找不到呢? “回家,并认为,说: ”国王。 “作出一些实验。人说,您的实验是很聪明的“ 。
虽然他当时坐在在这,他突然有一个想法。 “我发现它了! ”他大叫道。
他发表了短短的实验,他的房子,然后他直奔国王。 “女王陛下(陛下) ,他说: ”我找到了回答你的问题。请允许我向您展示了一个实验“ 。
他把一些黄金和白银放在桌上,旁边的两个花盆。然后,他开始说: “您的冠,重量,发现英镑。这个酒吧的黄金重量4磅,这酒吧银,重量相同的金额。但黄金是重银,所以酒吧银必须较大。是正确的“ ?
“是的,说: ”国王。
“好。你想我有什么帮助? “问阿基米德。 “这大锅饭是充满水,如果你把黄金中,一些水会,走出去的小盆栽。衡量耗水量。 1马克内的盆栽将是不够的。说的权利“ 。
阿基米德取出黄金。然后,他填补了大锅饭,再掏空小一。 “其次,把银英寸时,一些水熄灭,措施,它在同样的方式” 。
国王这样做。 “现在, ”阿基米德续说: “我们会在官方,如果是完全作出的黄金,水质将达到第一马克。如果它是银,水将达到第二个马克“ 。
“有! ”哭了阿基米德。 “有您问题的答案。您的皇冠是没有完全取得了黄金。有银在它太“ 。