
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 05:50:58
I am further very greatly indebted to Mr. Oliver Lawrence , the Economic Assistant in the Information Department of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, for his researches on my behalf , and also to Mrs. P. E. Baker for her kindness in reading and correcting the proofs. My gratitude is also due to the Council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs for their kind permission to reprint material which originally appeared in articles written by me in the Bulletin of International News, the organ of the Institute’s Information of Department.


我想更进一步的表示我对国际事务皇家学院的信息部经济助理奥利弗.劳伦斯先生的深深谢意, 为他对我的利益所做的研究, 同时也非常感谢P. E. Baker 夫人非常友善地阅读和修改这些证明。我还要感谢国际事务皇家学院委员会允许重印那些最初由我写在国际新闻公报(关于部门研究所信息的机关杂志)文章里的材料。