
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 08:10:06
Since the processing trade policy was implemented in late 1970s, the processing trade in China has been developing in a sustained and rapid manner; the total volume of exports and imports in the form of processing trade increased from US$2.5 billion in 1981 to US$831.9billion in 2006, up by nearly 333 times, and its proportion in foreign trade increased from 5.7 percent to 48.6 percent.
The Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry of the Commerce Ministry of PRC stated that what was more satisfactory than an increase in quantity was that as the processing trade developed continually and rapidly, the transformation and upgrading of processing trade had been accelerated. More and more foreign-funded enterprises transferred their processing and manufacture with a higher technology level and a larger appreciation content to China; influenced by the technology and management spillover effects in processing trade, more and more Chinese companies had speeded up their techn

由于加工贸易政策实施,在20世纪70年代末,加工贸易在中国一直在发展,在持续快速的方式进行;总量的出口和进口在的形式,加工贸易增长,从25亿美元,在1981美元831.9billion在2006年,增长近333倍,其比例在增加,对外贸易由5.7 %至48.6 % 。
在第十个五年计划期间,进出口总值实现了加工贸易的机电产品总额为美国 92820000万美元,占70.7 % ,占加工贸易出口的价值和74.0 %,占整体出口货值为机械和电子产品;这种出口值是2.4倍以上,在第九个五年计划期间与一年均增长速度29 %,这是1.2倍,增长速度为中国的加工贸易出口值在同一期间内的时间。中国已成为世界上最大的生产国和出口国机械和电子产品如手机,家电和笔记本电脑在世界上。在2005年, 99.9 %的笔记型电脑在中国制造的, 99 %的彩色视频投影机和微型计算机在中国制造的, 98 %的等离子彩电在中国制造的, 97 %的DVD播放机在中国制造的,和96 %有关船舶在中国制造的出口,在形式的加工贸易。在第十个五年计划期间,进出口总值实现了通过加工贸易的高科技产品总额为美国五千四百三十八点〇亿美元,占41.4 % ,占加工贸易出口总值的87 %占整体出口货值为喜-高新技术产品;这种出口值是4.5倍以上,在第九个五年计划期间与一的年增长率为41 %和1.7倍的增长速度为中国的总出口货值实现的形式,加工贸易在同一期。

问题补充 翻译

在2006 年,分别出口值,实现加工贸易的机电产品和高新技术产品总额为美国三千九百十三万二点零万美元和美国二千四百五十八万四千点〇〇万美元,所占的比例,其中在占整体出口货值在实现形式,加工贸易分别为76.7 %和48.2 %,上升1.6个百分点和1.4个百分点,去年同期分别。