
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 07:46:58
A new book on this conference is needed. Wheel –bennett may be supplemented with Arthur C. Temperley , The Whispering Gallery of Europe(London,1938), which is really a memoir by the British military expert to theconference; nevertheless , it is a remarkably good book, balanced and generally unprejudiced.

一本新书,就本次会议是必要的。车轮-班尼特可辅以亚瑟。 temperley ,回音壁,欧洲(伦敦, 1938年) ,这实在是一本回忆录,是由英国军事专家向theconference ;不过,这是一个显着的好书,平衡和普遍偏见。