
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 15:12:41




The engagement demonstrates a very important action in the social life in one old custom of our country. The legislation of the home of the marriage of our country is written and never enters in that the system of the engagement always improved at the same time regrettably. When the complication is generated by the engagement, the epilogue always very adjudicated with the court is faced to will be able to being able no understanding of poor. Author..engagement..character..kind of..contract..belong..engagement..establish..constant..form..important documents..essence..important documents..suitable..engagement..establish..person concerned..constant..legal..effect..give birth..engagement..invalid..cancel..saury pike..release..mistake..person..respondent..damage..undertake..responsibility..make amends. It is thought that the money and goods of betrothal presents should be ass