
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 18:28:57
随着工程建筑市场的深入发展,传统的定额计价模式已不适应市场化经济发展的需要。为了适应目前工程招投标由市场形成工程造价的需要,必须对现行工程计价方法和计价模式进行改革,实行工程量清单计价。工程量清单计价模式是一种与市场经济相适应的、允许承包单位自主报价、通过市场竞争确定价格、与国际惯例接轨的计价模式。 随着工程量清单计价模式的推广,按国际惯例招标投标势在必行。因此“最低合理价中标”是我国今后最主要的评标办法。现阶段因实施工程量清单计价模式而出现的问题主要有,针对我国现阶段《招标投标法》中规定的最低合理价中标的原则,多数承包商尚未建立自己的企业定额,无法确定企业的合理成本。本文就是以科学、快捷的确定“合理成本价”为研究的关键。 首先从工程成本的基本概念入手,分析了工程量清单计价模式下的成本构成,为准确预测工程成本提供了基础,综合考虑了社会平均成本和企业个别成本来进行投标阶段的成本估算。其次通过对模糊数学和指数平滑技术的深入分析,通过“贴近度”的概念,合理的将模糊数学与指数平滑技术结合起来,构建了工程成本模糊预测技术的数学模型,并根据统计的有关参考资料和经验建立了“框架结构体系”的对比工程

With the construction of in-depth development of the market, the traditional fixed pricing model no longer suited to market-oriented economic development needs. In order to adapt to the current project bidding by the market needs of a project cost, we must work on the existing valuation methods and pricing model for reform, the implementation of projects bill pricing. Engineering is a list of pricing model and adapt to the market economy, allowing independent contractor pricing through market competition determine prices, with the international practice of pricing model. With the bill pricing model projects to promote, in accordance with international bidding practices is imperative. Therefore, "the lowest reasonable price of the successful bidder" My future is the most important evaluation methods. At this stage due to the implementation of projects bill pricing model and the problems mainly against China at this stage "招标投标法" in the minimum reasonable price of