
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 16:31:23
请尽快,明天就要用!节目单:1,音乐之声,2,灰姑娘,3,torch bearer 4.傲慢与偏见,5.孔雀东南飞,6,绿野仙踪.7.爱丽丝漫游奇境记8吕布貂禅和董卓.9.harry potter and the olympic holy fire 10.仲夏夜之梦.11.三打白骨精.12.turandot.用英语写,符合高中生身份

1:Hello,deer neengers and teachers,my name is jean.
2:Hello,my name is Tom.
1:Tom,do you like to listen music?
2:Yes,and I know many play!
1:Are you kidding?
2:I'm not kidding.For exmple,<>,<>......
1:Do you know the <yinyuezhisheng>?
2:Yes,i know.Is the first play is<yinyuezhisheng>?
1:Yes!Know,please see <yinyuezhisheng>!
2:do you like story?
1:Yes,i'd like it a lot!
2:ok,Know,please see <huiguniang>!
1:please see the third program<torch bearer>
2:please see the third program<Pride and Prejudice>
1:do you like peacock?
2:yes,i'm an animal fan!
1:please see <Wanders every five miles>
2:please see <Alice's Adventures in Wonderland>
1:do you know lu bu?
1:please see <lu bu,diao chan and dong zhuo>
2:do you want