
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 09:19:12
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Traffic accident sparks disputes

A TRAFFIC accident sparked heated disputes between the plaintiffs and defendants in a recent compensation claim, the Shenzhen Evening News reported Tuesday.

The accident resulted in the deaths of seven people and injuries to six when a truck crashed into another truck and a car in Bao'ao District June 1.

Family members of the victims filed a lawsuit against the driver, his company and the Hua'an insurance firm that covered the truck, demanding compensation of 3,266,500 yuan (about US$380,000).

The dispute centered on the liability of the driver. The plaintiffs demanded that the driver and his company shoulder full liability for the accident. The lawyer for the plaintiffs insisted that the driver did not observe road regulations and drove at high speed, ***killing the pedestrians on the road. Even if the pedestrians were not on the road, the drive should