
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 12:16:28
A network is strongly resilient if its fault diameter is larger by a constant than its diameter. Previous work on fault-diameter includes [16] where the authors obtain the fault diameter of some popular networks such as the hypercube and the cube-connected cycles. Esfahanian [17] investigated the resilience of the hypercube under the concept of forbidden faulty sets. Latifi [18] has determined the fault diameter under the condition of forbidden faulty sets for the hypercube and for the star graph. Day and Al-Ayyoub have established in [14] the fault diameter of the k-ary
n-cube. A number of interconnection networks are known to have excellent fault diameter (equal

to diameter plus one) including the binary hypercube [16], the cube-connected cycles [16], the generalized hypercube [12], the star graph [15], and the k-ary n-cube [14]. Latifi has raised in
[15] the issue of whether this feature (of unit increase in the f

网络是强烈力强,如果它的容错直径较大的是由一个常数比它的直径。以前的工作,对故障直径包括[ 16 ]而作者获得容错直径的一些受欢迎的网络,例如,作为超立方体和立方体连接的周期。 esfahanian [ 17 ]调查的应变能力的超立方体的概念下,禁止故障集。拉蒂菲[ 18 ] ,决定了容错直径的条件下,禁止故障集为超立方体和星图。一天和Al - ayyoub建立在[ 14 ]容错直径的K叉

直径加一) ,包括二进制超立方体[ 16 ] ,立方体连接的周期[ 16 ] ,广义超立方体[ 12 ] ,明星图[ 15 ] ,和K叉的N -立方体[ 14 ] 。拉蒂菲提出了在
[ 15 ]的问题,是否此功能(增加一个单位,在故障直径超过直径)是由全家Cayley图。我们表明,直径加一,这其实是最好的实现容错直径为任何定期连通图直径高于2和节点连通,以平等的程度。我们还获得足够的条件,笛卡尔积网络,以享受这项最优故障直径的财产。我们从这些结果,任何笛卡尔乘积的因子图是星图,超立方体, K叉的N -立方体,立方体连接的周期,和广义超立方体(除其他外) ,已最优故障直径。


网络是强烈力强,如果它的容错直径较大的是由一个常数比它的直径。以前的工作,对故障直径包括[ 16 ]而作者获得容错直径的一些受欢迎的网络,例如,作为超立方体和立方体连接的周期。 esfahanian [ 17 ]调查的应变能力的超立方体的概念下,禁止故障集。拉蒂菲[ 18 ] ,决定了容错直径的条件下,禁止故障集为超立方体和星图。一天和Al - ayyoub建立在[ 14 ]容错直径的K叉

直径加一) ,包括二进制超立方体[ 16 ] ,立方体连接的周期[ 16 ] ,广义超立方体[ 12 ] ,明星图[ 15 ] ,和K叉的N -立