
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 12:15:49

Ask you to let me go to rescue another one
Rescue, get most at the crucial moment, unexpected ruins of teaching building hang because of aftershock and machine operation move, collapse again probably at any time, enter ruins rescue very much dangerous, nearly mean courting death and then, at that time fire control conductor lay rigid order, let, get into people to enter the ruins dismiss from out at once, when entering after collapsing steadily. But at this moment, several soldiers who just came out from the ruins cried and found children.
Several soldiers hear and leave alone, turning round will bore inwards again, collapsed at this moment and happened, one enormous concrete watch soon sink, those several soldiers that get into inwards will be extremely towed by other soldiers at once, two groups of persons are dragging above, the soldier on the ruins was dragged to the safety area finally. One just knelt down and wailed from the soldiers who took out of a child in the