
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 13:35:46
据悉,中国的主题公园产业始于上世纪80年代末90 年代初,以锦绣中华、民俗文化村为代表的第一代主题公园由于适应了国内游客的旅游需求和国际游客了解中国文化的渴望,投资回报水平相当高。到90 年代中后期,在第一代主题公园的盈利示范效应下,全国各地各种类型的主题公园纷纷上马,使得我国的主题公园行业鱼龙混杂,多存在严重的重复建设现象、设计制作十分粗糙。因此许多主题公园建成之后无法吸引到足够客源,亏损甚至荒置的不在少数。这种竞争环境对整个行业的健康有序发展所起的负面影响不可低估。中国的主题公园应该向着怎样的方向发展呢? 21 世纪主题公园的发展趋势将以休闲、度假为主题,人们在游玩的时候不仅是调剂、休息,也更希望可以扩大眼界,玩得有品位。品牌就是代表着品味,因此国内主题公园的发展应实施“品牌化”发展战略。其中桂林乐满地度假世界的主题乐园就是近两年兴起的一家类似于美国迪斯尼乐园的主题公园,短短两年多时间,它荣获国家旅游局4A 级景点称号, 同时通过ISO9001 和ISO14001 两项国际权威机构的质量标准体系认证,今年它又被授予“全国十佳乐园”称号 [1] 。它那“欢乐满地,活力无限”的魅力,创造了桂林旅游名城新的兴奋点,但是与国际上的知名品牌相比还是有其不足之处。以下就是笔者通过迪斯尼与乐满地的对比而对乐满地品牌经营的问题进行探讨。

It is learned that China's theme park industry began in the 1980s, late 1980s and early 1990s, to Splendid China, Folk Culture Village, represented the first generation of theme park visitors due to meet the domestic demand for tourism and international tourists keen understanding of Chinese culture, investment A very high level of return. To the mid to late 1990s, the first theme park in the profitability of demonstration effect, all types throughout the country have launched the theme park, making China the theme park industry Yulonghunza, more serious phenomenon of redundant construction, the design is very rough. So many theme parks built after not be able to attract enough customers, the loss of even a few unused. This competitive environment of the industry as a whole by the healthy and orderly development of the negative impact should not be underestimated. China's theme parks should develop in the direction toward what is «the 21st century theme park will be th