the effects of divorce on children and on society?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 02:33:19 about the Chinese family.

The effects of divorce on children and on society?

Some experts say divorce is harmful to children. Some studies show that children of divorce have more problems.For example, some children of divorce are more often aggressive toward parents and teachers. They have a greater risk of leaving school before completing their studies. They have more health and learning problems. However, experts note that these problems are not necessarily caused by divorce alone.

These beliefs have changed in recent years. Researcher Judith Wallerstein studied more than one-hundred children of divorce over a twenty-five-year period. She says some children never recover from divorce. She says they often have problems with their own adult relationships as a result of their parents' divorce.

However, some people say that children suffer more in a situation where there is much conflict. They say it is better for children to live with one divorced parent than to live w