do you have seen the chat logs ?有语法错误吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 08:24:30

有,应该是:Have you read the chatting logs?

Have you seen the chat logs?


肯定回答就是Yes, I have.

佛顶回答就死No, I haven't. 而不是No, I don't.

Have you ever seen the chat logs?

有,应该是:Have you read the chatting logs?
回答者: haotu111 - 首席执行官 十五级 5-23 14:37


没有语法错误,但have已经是助动词了,没必要再多加一个助动词出来。最好写成:Have you seen the chat logs?或Have you seen the chatting logs?

have you ever seen the chat logs