
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 23:43:03
摘要是:摘 要:世界上每个发达国家,在实现现代化的进程中,都把开发农村、解决薄弱环节作为整体发展的一个极其重要的举措。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占有较大的比重,农业、农村、农民的发展问题是关系到我国全局的重大问题。中国江西是一个农业省份,其农村经济是随着社会生产力进步而不断发展和充实的区域农村经济。江西作为中部地区的农业省,其发展历程在全国具有很大代表性。

Jiangxi Province on the Development of Rural Economy
Abstract: Abstract: each of the world's least developed countries, in the process of achieving modernization, regarded the development of rural areas, as a weak link in solving the overall development of an extremely important initiative. China is a large agricultural country, a large proportion of the rural population, agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the development of the relationship to the overall situation of China's major issues. China is an agricultural province of Jiangxi, the rural economy, with its social productivity and progress and continue to develop and enrich the regional rural economy. As the central region of Jiangxi Province agriculture, the development of the country has great representation.
By proceeding from the specific situation in Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province in-depth study of the status quo and the rural economy in the traditional economy to a modern rural economy in the