
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 07:24:13
由《城市画报》创意中国网主办的“i-Mart创意市集”是国内首个针对以年轻人的市集交流性创意平台。创意市集i-MART,包含双重意思,既可以是Idea Mart(点子市集),也可以看为I am art,(我是艺术)。创意市集是一个产生创意并使创意作品商品化的实验舞台,主张“给创意一个出口,有创意就有回报”。2006年到2007年 分别在北京、上海、广州、苏州、厦门等城市组织了17场创意市集。“i-Mart创意市集”不仅给国内带来了一个全新的设计概念-“独创精神”,而且,颠覆了陈旧的思考模式,使更多人意识到创意的重要性以及独立品牌的开创性。随着创意市集在国内慢慢普及化,从一开始的照搬国外设计理念和方式,到后来为了突破陈旧走出特色,我们不由的要思考如果将“洋货”本土化、民族化、传统化,更猛烈地挑逗观者的视觉。同时,创意的发源来自对传统的熟练,并在传统基础上加以提炼和创新。而创意集市就提供了这样一个良好而友善的平台,在传统手工艺劳作开始走向没落的阶段,适时地提供给热爱这一事业的年轻人一个展示的舞台,将传统手工艺与现代年轻人睿智先锋的创意相结合,从而从另一个侧面展现了传统手工艺令人侧目的表现力,带给观者独具传统韵味与现代时尚气息相融合的新的体验。


Chinese are as follows:
From "Modern City" creative network sponsored by the Chinese "i-Mart creative market" is the first for young people to the market exchange of creative platform. Innovative market i-MART, contains a double meaning, both can be Idea Mart (pips market), also can be seen as I am art, (my art). Innovative market is a creative and innovative works have commercialization of the experimental stage, that "exports to a creative, innovative return there." 2006 to 2007 in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen and other cities organized by 17 creative market. "I-Mart creative marketplace," not only to domestic bring a new design concept - "creative spirit", and subversion of the old mode of thinking, make more people aware of the importance of creativity and creating an independent brand Sexual. With creativity in the domestic market slowly popularity of the copy from the beginning of the design concept and abr