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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 23:05:27
20 世纪九十年代以后市场环境的变化让人们明白,一个企业要取得竞争优势仅仅依靠一个企业所拥有的资源是不够的,企业必须借助于其他企业的资源,由此,产生了供应链管理的概念。供应链管理思想是在全球竞争日益激烈的背景下产生的,并且在全球经济一体化的浪潮中越来越被各国企业所重视。本文提出一些我国企业供应链管理中的不足及解决方案,将供应链与JIT相结合,倡导绿色供应链,为企业创造“第三利润源”。
关键词:供应链管理 业务外包 准时生产 绿色供应链管理

In the 1990s, after the market environment changes so that people understand that a business to gain competitive advantage rely solely on a business owned by the resources are not enough, enterprises must help of the resources of other enterprises, which created a supply chain management Concept. Supply chain management is thinking in an increasingly competitive world in the context of produce and, in the wave of global economic integration in more and more countries attach importance to enterprises. This paper presents a number of Chinese enterprises in the supply chain management and inadequate solutions, supply chain and JIT will combine to promote green supply chain, for enterprises to create a "third profit source."
Key words: supply chain management business outsourcing timely production of green supply chain management