
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 22:06:34

As people understand the building space more and more,they will look from a purely construction of the space within and outside the transfer to a combination of both, which leads to a building on the edge of space concept. It is the construction of space inside and outside the intermediary and transition, is a state of uncertainty and diverse functions and a "grey space", the ever-changing, has rich connotations and the construction and the improvement of the environment has an important role.
Today, the modern urban development has encountered more and more problems. The rapid development of industrial civilization has brought about the decline of urban vitality. The affinity with the edge of space in the building most of the people close to the scale to people's needs and, ultimately, bring warmth to the full humanity of the urban space.
Based on the understanding of domestic and foreign architectural theory and design edge of space, in principl