
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 23:31:57

memoirs are said to contain remarkable day-to-day detail written in a vivacious style as well as numerous corrections and spelling mistakes.
"The [memoirs] are extraordinary. He manages to remember what the battle sites looked like, 20 years after the event," auctioneer Eric Buffetaud said.
The memoirs were written in exile between 1817 and 1820 on St Helena, where Napoleon was sent after his defeat by allied forces at the battle of Waterloo

Saito等在加有LIF的培养基中对牛ICM进行培养,分离得到牛ES细胞并进行传代。Sims等使用与一般ES细胞分离完全不同的低密度培养法,使用BRL(buffalo rat liver)条件培养基并添加亚硒酸钠、胰岛素、运铁蛋白和50 mL/L胎牛血清,培养6 d~10 d,得到15个ES细胞系,将其作为核供体进行核移植得到659枚重构胚,卵裂率70%,囊胚率24%,将其中34枚胚胎移植27头假孕母体,13头妊娠,最后生出4头犊牛。而Stice S L等报道,以牛ES细胞为核供体建立的重组胚在移植受体后虽然会出现妊娠现象,但妊娠时间不超过60天,主要是因为胎盘畸形发育