
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 13:37:43

有 等会给你
  金庸的英文小说比较难找 我以前找过 只找到射雕、笑傲和越女剑,其中短篇的越女剑最常见 我甚至有拷到手机力收藏 但是其它两部就太大了
  给你个金庸小说的英文译名列表 你可以到一些英文搜索引擎比如A9或者google去按英文名搜索 祝你好运
  1. Book and Sword: Gratitude and Revenge (The Romance of the Book and Sword)- T: 书剑恩仇录 S: 书剑恩仇录 (first published on The New Evening Post in 1955)
  2. Sword Stained with Royal Blood - T: 碧血剑 S: 碧血剑 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1956)
  3. The Legend of the Condor Heroes (The Condor-Shooting Heroes) - T: 射雕英雄传 S: 射雕英雄传 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1957)
  4. Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain - T: 雪山飞狐 S: 雪山飞狐 (first installment appeared on the first issue of Ming Pao in 1959)
  5. The Return of the Condor Heroes (The Condor & The Lovers) - T: 神雕侠侣 S: 神雕侠侣 (1959)
  6. The Young Flying Fox - T: 飞狐外传 S: 飞狐外传 (1