《断臂山》的片尾曲叫什么名? 谁唱的?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 14:22:22
《断臂山》的片尾曲是一个男的唱的 声音是我这辈子听到的除了VITAS外最完美的声音 请问有人知道他么 还有片尾曲叫什么?

由加拿大创作才子Rufus Wainwright创作和演唱的
<<The maker makes>>
断背山的另外一首插曲<<King of the Road>>是他和另外一位男歌手Teddy Thompson对唱的.
翻唱自Roger Miller

<<The Maker makes>> 歌词如下:

One more chain I break,

to get me closer to you .

One more chain does the maker make,

to keep me from bustin' through .

One more notch I scratch,

to keep me thinkin' of you .

One more notch does the maker make,

upon my face so blue.

Get along little doggies,

get along little doggies.

One more smile I fake,

and try my best to be glad.

One more smile does the maker make,

because he knows I'm sad.

Oh Lord, how I know,

Oh Lord, how I see,

that only can the maker make a happy man of me.

Get along little