
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 02:03:16

ask sb.to do sth.
tell sb. to do sth.
teach sb to do sth .
order sb. to do sth.
force sb. to do sth.
oblige sb. to do sth.
get sb. to do sth.
know sb. (to) do sth.
advise sb. to do sth.
recommend sb. to do sth.

1 是表示使动的”使/让/叫“
help/make/let/have sb. do sth.
2 是感官动词
see/feel/find/hear/watch/notice/listen to/observe
/look at/note/perceive/behold/observe sb. do sth.(这些都是省略不定式to的复合宾语结构)

1 不定式用于why, why not,had better/rather, would rather/sooner... than等短语后
Why get up early? 为何早起?
Why not help him? 你为什么不帮他?
2 当介词except, but前有do, did, does时。but, except前无 do, did, does时, to不能省略。
There is nothing to do but wait.
没有办法, 只有等待。
注意: There's no choice but to wait.
3 几个不定式并列时, 只在第一个不定式前加to, 其它不定式前常省略to。如:
It's very kind of you to come and see me.
4 不定式