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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 07:29:55
3. Financial Performance 财务状况
Coach在经过一系列的品牌调整后,确实起到非同寻常的效果。品牌形象提升的同时,营业额也得到了非常好的增长。《商业周刊》最近评选的2007 年美国企业50 强全明星榜上,搜索引擎谷歌排名首位,而著名的时尚品牌公司Coach 紧随其后。排名第二的Coach 不仅超越了微软、苹果、美孚石油这样的大公司,而且更是将直接竞争对手LV等远远抛在身后。

1985年,Coach被Sara Lee集团收购之后,销售收入从1900万美元迅速上升至5亿美元,但在LV、GUCCI、PRADA等欧洲品牌的围攻下,Coach开始进入低迷状态,直到Lew Frankfort接掌品牌作出一系列的战略调整。也正是从这个时期开始,Coach开始全新定位,一方面打造高端形象,另一方面定价亲民,并且在美国国内采取了零售店与厂店(又称折扣店)共同发展的模式,迅速扭转不利局势。近年来,其产品线也由单一走向多元,从手袋到鞋、丝巾、手表应有尽有,钱包、化妆袋等附件产品收入占总销售收入的比重由2002年的13%增加到目前的23%左右。

2000年,Coach从Sara Lee集团中独立,并成功于纽约证交所上市。其“高端形象,亲民价格”和“唾手可得的奢侈品”的成功定位得到金融市场的认可。从2.5美元的开盘价到2007年年底30.58美元的收盘价,7年多的时间里,Coach股价累计上涨了1123%。在最近5年时间里,其股价表现不仅远远好于标普500,并且同期的回报率也高于奢侈品巨头LVMH与蒂梵尼(Tiffany)之类的奢侈品牌。

Three.Financial Performance financial situation Coach after undergoing a series of brand adjustment, has the unusual effect truly. Brand image promotion's at the same time, the turnover also obtained the very good growth. "Business journal" evaluated recently in 2007 in the American Enterprise 50 strong entire star announcements, the search engine google places the first place, but famous fashionable brand company Coach follows. Is listed second Coach has not only surmounted Microsoft, the apple, Standard Oil Company petroleum such big company, moreover is and so on throws by far direct competitor LV in after death. the 1985 year, after Coach group is purchased by Sara the Lee, sales revenue from 19,000,000 US dollar rapid rise to 500,000,000 US dollars, but in European brand's under and so on LV, GUCCI, PRADA besieging, Coach starts to enter the murky condition, takes over the brand until Lew Frankfort to make a series of strategic adjustment. Is also precisely st