假如你是Tom,是一家电视机公司的推销员。请你根据提示内容给John Brown写一封电子邮件。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 00:27:49
1.得知John Brown为校长。

promote the sales of... 推销……
the head of the school 校长
write to 给……写信
a new type of 新型的
wonder 想知道
model 样机
sell 卖
hear from 收到……来信
on sale 销售
address 地址
try out 试用
look foward to 期盼
the cheapet of the same kind 同类商品中最便宜的

Dear John Brown
I'm glad to write to you. I 'm a salesman.I'd like to introduce a new type of TW-880 TV to you and your school.TW-880 is very smart and mordern but W-880 is the cheapet of the same kind.I'm glad to tell you each TW-880 only sell 1000 yuan.If you want to know more about the great product ,you can write in return or try out it.If you don't kown what's my address,you can call me 1234566 . I'm look foward to get in touch with you.

Hello, Mr.Brown! Glad to write to you. I'm a salesman, and i'm going to promote the sales of TW-880 Television to you. It's a new type of television, which's both useful and cheap (i mean, the cheapest of the same kind) in daily life, whether it will be used in classrooms or homes. If you wonder any more infomation, please reply us soon to contact us to get a chance of trying out.

We're looking forward to your reply.


假如你是一家公司的总经理,你将怎样通过组织设计,运行管理使公司具有竞争力,走向成功呢? 如果你是雀巢咖啡的推销员 假如你是一个推销员要您向一个和尚推销梳子你会怎么说? TOM公司 是中国的吗? 假如你是一名推销员,你正向一位顾客推销永不破碎的杯子,突然掉地上打碎了,这是你该怎么办? 假如你是一个模拟信息公司的总经理,你会如何打理你的公司? 假如你是联通的推销员,如果有客户问你,为什么联通价钱比较便宜,但是入网的人却比全球通少 TOM网和163是一个公司的吗? 假如你是一个公司的管理者,当公司遇到困难的时候,你是如何自我管理和自我激励的? 小王夫妇是你的邻居,正在接待保险公司林推销员的到访。林推销员将其产品介绍如下: